Our love of natural, healthy CBD oil products drove us to found OnlyPure™. It is our considerable experience in setting up and running a business, however, which has made us into one of the top companies in our field. Our philosophy? To excel in everything we do. Our goal? To promote your health by producing the best possible CBD oil products.

It is this focus on quality that makes OnlyPure™ successful and sets it apart from its competitors. As a local Colorado business who is loyal to its employees, we have hired the best people and only use the finest US-grown, US-processed CBD oil in its products. The result? The highest-quality end CBD oil products you can possibly find on the market!

Want to find out more about us and our excellent CBD oil products? Curious about the stringent tests we run to ensure their quality? Contact us using the form below or on:

Open Hours

Mon-Fri: 8 AM – 4 PM (MST)
Sat–Sun: Closed

So sure are we of the excellent quality of our CBD oil products that we offer a triple guarantee:


OnlyPure™ CBD oil products generally have just a little more CBD per serving than written on the label. That way, if there’s an error in the potency, it will be on the side of being a little extra. So sure of our product’s potency, that we guarantee it—in writing.


Purity is a particularly thorny topic in our field. To ensure our products are free of heavy metals, toxins, or pesticides, OnlyPure™ only uses full-spectrum CBD oil from a local Colorado company. They only use the finest, non-GMO hemp flowers, harvested by certified local hemp farmers. Many of our CBD oil products are suitable for vegetarians, gluten-free, and contains under 0.3% of THC, making it non-psychoactive and fully compliant with US law requirements.


We test our CBD oil products repeatedly during the production stage and publish the test results for every single product we have ever produced online for all to see. Simply go to our website, match the lot number on your box with a test result, and see for yourself!

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